Professor Emeritus
- Ed.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- M.A., Appalachian State University
- B.A., Appalachian State University
Dr. B. Dawn Medlin is a Professor Emeritus of the Computer Information Systems Department in the John A. Walker College of Business. Dawn also has served as the Department Chair, Honors Director, and Director and Co-Director of the Center for Analytics Research & Education. CARE Center. Her teaching, research, and consulting activities have primarily been in the areas of security, health care information systems, webpage development and design, and the interaction between computers and people. Dr. Medlin has been very active in research activities. In May 2014, Dr. Medlin received the College of Business Research Award noting that she had over 100 publications and research activities. Her work has been published in journals such as the Journal of Computer Information Systems, International Journal of Information Security and Privacy, Journal of Information Technology Research, Journal of Information Privacy and Security, Information Systems Security: the (ISC)2 Journal, as well as other national and international publications. Additionally, she had completed several funded research projects and served in several capabilities of leadership to many professional organizations. Dr. Medlin has taught in France, Spain, Ethiopia, and Taiwan as a Visiting Professor and Guest Lecturer. Before joining ASU she owned a Business/Marketing company and worked in the IT field for more than 10 years.
Recent Publications
Winston, E. R., Pelaez, A., & Medlin, B. D. (2021). Will Quality Measures Debunk Quality Care in the Nursing Home Industry? International Journal of Public and Private Perspectives on Healthcare, Culture, and the Environment, 5(1), pp.18-28.
Fowler, V., Eggers, A., Vannoy, S., & Medlin, B.D. (2021). The Promise and Peril of Drone Delivery Systems. Journal of Information Systems Applied Research, 14(2), pp. 31-41.
Leon, S. M., & Medlin, B. D. (2020). A Conceptual Framework for Collaboration in Business Schools, International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change, 11(3), pp. 32-45.
Choi, H. S. Xiong, J., & Medlin, B. D. (2019). Driving Distractions and Multi-tasking: An Investigative Study, Journal of Information Systems Applied Research, 12(3), pp.14-23.
Vannoy, S. A., & Medlin, B. D. (2019). Security, Privacy, and Legislation Issues related to Commercial Drone Deliveries, Journal of Information Systems Applied Research, 12(2), pp. 30-36.
Vannoy, S. A., & Medlin, B. D. (2019). Commercial Drone Activity: Security, Privacy, and Legislation Issues., Journal on Information Systems Applied Research, 12(2), pp. 30-36.
Formby, S. K., Shou, Y., Medlin, B. D., & Chen, C.H. (2019). Improving Organizational Process Input Factors and Company Performance, International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 32(1), pp. 67-82.
Choi, H. S., Ko, M. S., Medlin, B. D., & Chen, C. H. (2018). The effect of intrinsic and extrinsic quality cues of digital video games on sales: An empirical investigation, Decision Support Systems, 106, pp. 86-96.
Formby, S.K., Medlin, B. D., & Ellington, V.B. (2017). Microsoft Excel®: Is It An Important Job Skill for College Graduates? Information Systems Education Journal, 15(3), pp. 55-63.
Vannoy, S. A., & Medlin, B. D. (2017). Social computing: An examination of self, social, and use factors, International Journal of Virtual Communities and Social Networking, 9(4), pp. 31-47.
Choi, H. S., Medlin, B. D., & Hunsinger, D. S. (2017). The Effects of Discount Pricing Strategy on Sales of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS): Online Video Game Market Context, Journal of Information Systems Applied Research,10(1), pp. 55-64.

Title: Professor Emeritus
Department: Department of Computer Information Systems
Email address: Email me