Associate Dean for Advanced Studies in Business
Associate Professor
• Ph.D., University of Nebraska Omaha
• M.S., University of Nebraska Omaha
• M.A., Zhejiang University
• B.S.B.A, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Dr. Jason Xiong serves as the Associate Dean for Advanced Studies and an Associate Professor of Computer Information Systems in the Walker College of Business at Appalachian State University. Previously, Dr. Xiong served as the Director of the Master of Science in Applied Data Analytics (MSADA) Program in the Walker College of Business.
Dr. Xiong has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in areas such as Business Analytics and Quantitative Methods, Blockchain for Business, Emerging Information Technologies, Information Technology in the Organization, Information Systems Project, and Applied Analytics Projects. In 2022, Dr. Xiong received the Board of Governors Appalachian State University Excellence in Teaching Award.
Dr. Xiong's research focuses on Business Analytics, E-Commerce, Emerging Technologies and Ethical Issues, and the Value of Information Systems. His work has appeared in the Information Systems Senior Scholars' List of Premier Journals, including Information & Management, Journal of Electronic Commerce, Information Technology & People, Expert Systems with Applications, Information Systems Management, and The International Journal of Technology, Knowledge, and Society. His paper titled "Ethics of Blockchain: A Framework of Technology, Applications, Impacts, and Research Directions" received the Outstanding Paper-Literati Award from Information Technology & People in 2021.
Dr. Xiong holds editorial positions and serves as an invited reviewer/referee for 30+ Peer-Reviewed Academic Journals and Books. He also has work experience in multinational corporations in the United States and China. After work, Dr. Xiong enjoys running, hiking, and swimming in the High Country.
1. Li, Y., Zhou, Y., Ge, L., Chen, R., & Xiong, J. (2024, forthcoming) Toward a Campus Crisis Management System Amid the Pandemic and Beyond. Information & Management (ABDC Rating: A*)
2. Ulman, M., Xiong, J., Quaresma, R., Marreiros, C., & Harris, H. (2024, forthcoming) Information Ethics Among College Students – Selected Countries Analysis. Journal of Global Information Technology Management (ABDC Rating: B)
3. Tsai, S. B., Cheng, X., Yang, Y., Xiong, J., & Zarifis, A. (2024, forthcoming). The social-technological ways to develop digital entrepreneurship: Targeting value creation and value capture. Information Processing & Management, 103568. (ABDC Rating: B)
4. Tang Y, Xiong J, Cheng Z, Zhuang Y, Li K, Xie J, Zhang Y. Looking into the Market Behaviors through the Lens of Correlations and Eigenvalues: An Investigation on the Chinese and US Markets Using RMT. Entropy. 2023; 25(10):1460.
5. Winston, Xiong, Medlin, Pelaez (2023) Short Stay Healthcare Quality in Skilled Nursing Facilities: Occupancy, Nurse Staff Mix, and COVID-19 Journal of Information Systems Applied Research
6. Kocsis, D., & Xiong, J. (2022) A Divide Quantified—Exploring the Relationship between ICT Infrastructure Diffusion and Income Inequality. Journal of Electronic Business & Digital Economics Vol. 1 No. 1/2, pp. 34-49.
7. Li, Y., Xiong, J., Pitts, J., & Hunsinger, D.S. (2022). Against “Flexibility”: Tightening the Cage of Academic Rigor with Instructors’ Responsibility and Rationality. Information Systems Education Journal, 20 (4) pp 89-96.
8. Li, Y., Liu, J., Yang, H., Chen, J., & Xiong, J. (2021). A Bibliometric Analysis of Literature on Vegetable Prices at Domestic and International Markets-A Knowledge Graph Approach. Agriculture, 11(10), 951.
9. Smith, B. †, Xiong, J., & Medlin, D. (2021) Case Study of Blockchain Applications in Supply Chain Management- Opportunities and Challenges. Journal of Information Systems Applied Research, 14 (3), pp 23-29 † Denotes Undergraduate Honor Student
10. Wang, W, Xiong, J., Tang, Y., & Zhang, Y. (2021) Stock Market Index Prediction Based on Reservoir Computing Models. Expert Systems with Applications (ABDC Rating: C)
11. Han, H., Xiong, J. (Corresponding Author), & Zhao, K. (2021) Digital Inclusion in Social Media Marketing Adoption: The Role of Product Suitability in the Agriculture Sector. Information Systems and e-Business Management (ABDC Rating: B)
12. Li, Y., He, R., Liu, J., Li, C., & Xiong, J. (2021). Quantitative Evaluation of China’s Pork Industry Policy: A PMC Index Model Approach. Agriculture, 11(2), 86.
13. Tang, Y., Xiong, J., Becerril-Arreola, R. and Iyer, L. (2020), Ethics of blockchain: A framework of technology, applications, impacts, and research directions, Information Technology & People, Vol. 33 No. 2, pp. 602-632. Literati Award Winners in 2021 (ABDC Rating: A)
14. Xiong, J., Choi, H, Chen, C, & Tang, Y. (2020). Enhancing Loyalty to Mobile Payment Services: An Empirical Study. Issues in Information Systems (IIS), 21 (2) pp. 30-42,
15. Xiong, J., Tang, Y., & Medlin, D. (2020). Conceptualization of Blockchain-based Applications: Technical Background and Social Perspective. Journal of Information Systems Applied Research, 13 (1) pp 12-20,
16. Qureshi, S. & Xiong, J., (2020). Equitable Healthcare Provision: Uncovering the impact of the Mobility Effect on Human Development. Information Systems Management. (ABDC Rating: B)
17. Li, Y., Gao, X., Du, M., He, R., Yang, S., & Xiong, J. (2020) What Causes Different Sentiment Classification on Social Network Service? -Evidence from Weibo with Genetically Modified Food in China. Sustainability
18. Zhang, X. J., Tang, Y., Xiong, J., Wang, W. J., & Zhang, Y. C. (2020). Ranking Game on Networks: The Evolution of Hierarchical Society. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
19. Tang, Y., Xiong, J., Luo, Y., & Zhang, Y. C. (2019). How Do the Global Stock Markets Influence One Another? Evidence from Finance Big Data and Granger Causality Directed Network. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 23(1), 85-109. (ABDC Rating: A)
20. Leon, S., & Xiong, J. (2019). Connecting the Dots: Strategies to Recruit Computer Information Systems Students. Information Systems Education Journal, 17(3), 4.
21. Zhang, X. J., Tang, Y., Xiong, J., Wang, W. J., & Zhang, Y. C. (2019). How Network Topologies Impact Project Alliance Performance: Evidence from the Movie Industry. Entropy, 21(9), 859
22. Choi, H., Xiong, J., Medlin, D. (2019). Driving Distractions and Multi-tasking: An Investigative Study. Journal of Information Systems Applied Research, 12(3) pp 14-23.
23. Chen, C, Choi, H, Xiong, J. & Tang, Y. (2019) Aligning the Factors of Skill, Technology and Task to Influence the Continued Use of Mobile Payment Users in China. Journal of Information Systems Applied Research, 12(2) pp 18-29.
24. Tang, Y., Xiong, J.J., Jia, Z.Y., & Zhang, Y.C. (2018). Complexities in Financial Network Topological Dynamics: Modeling of Emerging and Developed Stock Markets. Complexity,
25. Zhang, S., Yan, J, Huang, J., Wakefield, R., & Xiong, J.J. (2018) Real-Time Bidding (RTB) Advertising: Surprising or Irritating? The International Journal of Technology, Knowledge, and Society. 14 (4): 19-28. (ABDC Rating: C)
26. Zhang, X. J., Tang, Y., Xiong, J., Wang, W. J., & Zhang, Y. C. (2018). Dynamics of cooperation in minority games in alliance networks. Sustainability, 10(12), 4746.
27. Jia, Z. Y., Tang, Y., Xiong, J. J., & Zhang, Y. C. (2018). Quantitative learning strategies based on word networks. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 491, 898-911.

Title: Associate Dean for Advanced Studies, Associate Professor
Department: Department of Computer Information Systems
Email address: Email me
Phone: (828) 262-2351
Fax: (828) 262-6190