- Ph.D., Arizona State University
- M.B.A., Brigham Young University
- B.S., Washington State University
Joseph is a Certified Analytics Professional (CAP) with extensive experience applying the tools of analytics to solve problems that have a tangible societal benefit by supporting one or more of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Since many of the problems the world faces have many facets, much of his work in interdisciplinary to help harness the wisdom of experts in many domains.
His research streams include Educational Analytics, Ecological Analytics, Energy Analytics, and Health Analytics. He has been fortunate to secure more than 50 grants, publish more than 60 peer-reviewed journal articles, 15 book chapters, 2 full-length books, receive a patent, and write 21 practitioner-focused articles, and 3 United Nations FAO Policy Guides. A noted speaker he has presented to organizations such as the European Parliament, the United Nations, and the American Public Power Association about the importance of data and participated in more than 100 industry and academics conference presentations.
Joseph also served as a Faculty Fellow for Innovation and Analytics for the UNC General Administration, is the co-founder and Chair of the International Working Group for Bee Data Standardization, and has been an Analytics Advisor for several companies. In addition to the CAP designation by INFORMS, he has multiple SAS certifications and is a Certified Blockchain Expert and XML Developer.
Cazier, J. A., Bergman, S. M., Hunter, C. E., Lynch, I., Clements, J. S. & Johnson, B. G. (2015) “Systems and Methods for Air Filtration Monitoring”, Attorney docket no. P290010.WO.01 and PCT No. PCT/US2015/050033.
Recent Journal Articles:
- Joseph Cazier, Agnes Gambill, Marten Schoonman, Max Rünzel, Edgar Hassler, and Jonathan Candelaria (2021, in press) “Introduction to BeeXML: A Tutorial for How and Why to Publish in the BeeXML Data Standardization Journal”, BeeXML Journal for Bee Data Standardization.
- Ellie Symes and Joseph Cazier (2021, in press) “The Bee Corp’s Method of Hive Strength Assessment for Pollination Effectiveness” BeeXML Journal for Bee Data Standardization.
- Max Rünzel, Edgar Hassler, Richard Rogers, Giovanni Formato, and Joseph Cazier (2021, in press) “Designing a Smart Honey Supply Chain for Sustainable Development” IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine.
- Edgar Hassler, Preston MacDonald, Joseph Cazier, and James Wilkes, (2021, in press) “The Sting of Adoption: The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) with Actual Usage in a Hazardous Environment”, Journal of Information Systems Applied Research.
- M. Pietropaoli, A. Ribarits, R. Moosbeckhofer, H. Köglberger, O. Alber, A.Gregorc, M.I. Smodis Skerl, J. Presern, J. Bubnic, M. Necati Muz, M. Higes, B. Tiozzo, R. Jannoni-Sebastianini, J. Lubroth, J. Cazier, E. Raizman, M. Bagni, U. Della Marta & G. Formato (2021, in press) “Biosecurity measures in European beekeeping” Scientific and Technical Review of the World Organization for Animal Health (OiE).
- Michael Rubinigg, Megan MacDonald, Veronika Davenport, Ed Hassler, Awad Hassan, Vitore Shala-Mayrhofer, and Joseph Cazier (2021) “Predicting Varroa: Longitudinal Data, Micro Climate, and Proximity Closeness Useful for Predicting Varroa Infestations” Data and Analytics for Good, Retrieved from
- Hassler, Edgar E., Cazier, Joseph A., Hopkins, Brandon K., Smith, Kiefer, Wilkes, James T. and Rünzel, Max A. (2021) “A Century of Discovery: Mining 100 Years of Honey Bee Research” The Journal of Apicultural Research, Volume 60, Issue 1.
- Gray, Jennifer B., Winn, Wendy Lee, Cazier, Joseph A. and Volstad, Sam (2020) “Stories of Breast Cancer: Using Textual Analysis and Analytics to Understand Better the Illness Experience” International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches, Volume 12, Issue 2, PP 202-215, August 2020, ISBN 1834-0806,
- Antonio Rafael Braga, Danielo G. Gomes, Breno M. Freitas, and Joseph A. Cazier, (2020) “A Cluster-Classification Method for Accurate Mining of Seasonal Honeybees Patterns” Ecological Informatics,
- Andrew Scott, Ed Hassler, Joseph Cazier, James Wilkes, Giovanni Formato, Preston MacDonald, Michael Rubinigg, Antonio Rafael Braga, and Claudia Pittiglio (2020) “Data Mining Varroa: Sharing Insight From Users of Apiary Management Software in the United States” Bee World,
- Marco Pietropaoli, Maja Smodis Skerl, Joseph Cazier, Marie-Pierre Riviere, Barbara Tiozzo, Roberto Eggenhoeffner, Ales Gregorc, Walter Haefeker, Mariano Higes, Alexandra Ribarits, Mustafa Necati Muz, Flemming Vejsnæs & Giovanni Formato (2020) “BPRACTICES Project: Towards a Sustainable European Beekeeping”, Bee World, DOI:
- Hassler, Edgar E., Emery, Daniel, Hoyle Jason and Cazier Joseph A. (2020) “Trash to Treasure: Predicting Landfill Gas Flow to Optimize Electricity Generation” Journal of Information Systems Applied Research, Volume 13, issue 3 pp 29-39.
- Cazier, Joseph, Rünzel, Max, LaBrie, Ryan and Steinke, Gerhard (2020) “Data-Driven Life Coach: Guiding and Controlling Our Data to Better Benefit us and Society”, EDP Audit Control and Security (EDPACS) Newsletter, Volume 61, issue 2 pp 1-18.
- Russell, J. A., Cazier, J. A., Hassler, E. E. & Mueller, T. S. (2020). “Using Data Analytics to Understand the Electrical Consumption Patterns of Residential Buildings”, Journal of Architectural Engineering, (vol. 26, issue 1).
- Antonio Rafael Braga, Danielo G. Gomes, Richard E.L. Rogers, Edgar E. Hassler, Breno M. Freitas, & Joseph A. Cazier (2020) “A Method for Mining Combined Data from in-Hive Sensors, Weather and Apiary Inspections to Forecast the Health Status of Honey Bee Colonies” Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 169 (Febuary 2020) 105161.
- J. Rivera-Gomis, J. Bubnic, A. Ribarits, R. Moosbeckhofer, O. Alber, P. Kozmus, R. Jannoni-Sebastianini, W. Haefeker, H. Koegleberger, M.I. Smodis Skerl, B. Tiozzo, M. Pietropaoli, J. Lubroth, E. Raizman, C. Lietaer, R. Zilli, R. Eggenhoeffner, M. Higes, M.N. Muz, C. D’Ascenzi, M.P. Riviere, A. Gregorc, J. Cazier, E. Hassler, J. Wilkes & G. Formato (2019), “Good farming practices in apiculture”, Scientific and Technical Review of the World Organization for Animal Health (OiE), Volume 38 (3), December 2019. or
- Mueller, T., Hassler, E., Cazier, J. and Russell, J. (2019), “Energy Audits and Efficiency Rebates Drive Energy Consumer Satisfaction” Natural Gas & Electricity, 36: 13-18. doi:10.1002/gas.22140
- Trent J. Spaulding, Edgar E. Hassler, Charles H.L. Edwards, Joseph A. Cazier, (2019) “Sandwich Analytics: A Dataset Comprising One Year’s Weekly Sales Data Correlated with Crime, Demographics, and Weather” Data in Brief, 2019, 104252, ISSN 2352-3409,
- Hassler, E., Cazier, J., Russell, J., Mueller, T., Paprocki, D. (2019). “Standardizing Public Utility Data: A Case Study of a Rural Mid-Size Utility”. Journal of Information Systems Applied Research, 12(1) pp 36-47. ISSN: 1946-1836.
- Cech, Thomas G., Spaulding, Trent J., & Cazier, Joseph A. (2018) "Data Competence Maturity: Developing Data-Driven Decision Making" Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning. Vol. 11 No. 2, pp. 139-158.
- Labrie, R. C., Steinke, G. H, Li, X., & Cazier, J. A., (2018) “Big Data Analytics Sentiment: US-China Reaction to Data Collection by Business and Government” The Journal of Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 130 (2018), 45-55.
- Cazier, J. A., Jones, L. S., McGee, J., Jacobs, M., Paprocki, D. and Sledge, R. (2017) “Moving From Forecast to Prediction: How Honors Programs Can Use Easily Accessible Predictive Analytics to Improve Enrollment Management” Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council, Vol 18, No. 2, Fall/Winter 2017, pp 213-234.
- Cazier, J. A., Shao, B. B. M., and St. Louis, R. D. (2017) “Value Congruence, Trust, and Their Effects on Purchase Intention and Reservation Price" Association for Computing Machinery: Transactions on Management Information Systems, Vol. 8, No. 4, Article 13. Publication date: August 2017.
- Dickinson, D. L., Cazier, J. A., Cech, T. G. (2016) “A practical validation study of a commercial accelerometer using good and poor sleepers”, Health Psychology Open, July-December 2016, 1-10.
- Labrie, R. C., Cazier, J. A., & Steinke, G. H. (2014) “Big Data Ethics: A Longitudinal Study of Consumer, Business and Societal Perceptions”, Journal of Management Systems, 24(2), 23-38.
- Cech, L., Cazier, J. A., and Roberts, A. B., (2014) “Data Analytics in the Hardwood Industry: The Impact of Automation and Optimization on Profits, Quality, and the Environment”, International Journal of Business Analytics, 1(4), 16-33.
Recent Industry Focused Publications
- Flemming Vejsnaes Joseph Cazier and Etienne Bruneau (2021) “La technologie en action: HiveLog Keeps It Simple”, Abeilles & Cie (French Speaking), issue 200, pp 31-33,
- Joseph Cazier and Etienne Bruneau (2020) “Standardizing Data on Bees and Beekeeping”, Bee Culture, November 2020 issue, page 89.
- Joseph Cazier and Etienne Bruneau (2020) “Normalisation des donnéessur les abeilles et l‘apicultur”, Abeilles & Cie (French Speaking), issue 197, pp 37-38,
- Max Rünzel, Joseph Cazier and Etienne Bruneau (2020) “Une appli à la rencontre des pollinisateurs du monde”, Abeilles & Cie (French Speaking), issue 196, pp 36-37,
- Cazier, Joseph A., Hassler, Edgar E., Wilkes, James T., Runzel, Max A., Formato, Giovanni, Brodschneider, Robert (2019) “The Promise of Standardized Data and How to Achieve it”, Bee Culture, November 2019 issue. Pages 43-48.
- Scott, Andrew, Cazier, Joseph, Hassler Edgar and Wilkes, James (2019) “Research in Action: Towards Real-Time Varroa Mapping”, Bee Culture, September 2019 issue. Pages 47-51.
- Temby, Kelton, Cazier, Joseph and Scott, Andrew (2019) “Technology in Action: Eyesonhives”, Bee Culture, July 2019 issue. Pages 44-50.
- Cazier, Joseph and Omer Davidi (2019) “Technology in Action: Optimizing Pollination with” Bee Culture, May 2019 issue. Pages 40-44.
- Cazier, Joseph A., Wilkes, James T, Walton, Ethan (2019) “Technology in Action: HiveTracks Hobbyist Platform” Bee Culture, April 2019 issue. Pages 35-41.
- Cazier, Joseph A., Wilkes, James T, Wilkes, Sullivan and Moyen, Derek (2019) “Technology in Action: HiveTracks Commercial Apiary Management System” Bee Culture, March 2019 Issue,. Pages 37-42.
- Cazier, Joseph A., Haefeker, Walter, Wilkes, James T., and Hassler Edgar (2019) “Building Trust and Data Integrity in Bee Data Sharing”, Bee Culture, February 2019 issue. Pages 37-44.
- Cazier, Joseph A., Haefeker, Walter, Wilkes, James T., and Hassler Edgar (2019) “Risks and Rewards of Data Sharing for Commercial Beekeepers”, Bee Culture, January 2019 issue. (
- Cazier, Joseph A., Haefeker, Walter and Hassler Edgar (2018) “Data Sharing Risks and Rewards for Hobbyist Beekeepers”, Bee Culture, December 2018 issue. Pages 23-30.
- Cazier, Joseph A., Haefeker, Walter and Hassler Edgar (2018) “BeeXML Part II - Achieving the Goal of Standardized Data”, Bee Culture, November 2018 issue. Pages 26-33.
- Cazier, Joseph A., and Haefeker, Walter (2018) “BeeXML Part I: The Power of Big Data and Analytics”, Bee Culture, October 2018 issue. Pages 30-34.
- Cazier, Joseph A. (2018) “BeeWeek in Brussels: Why Americans Should Care”, Bee Culture, September 2018 issue. Pages 26-29.
- Cazier, Joseph A., Rogers, R., Hassler, E. E. and Wilkes, James T. (2018) “The Healthy Colony Checklist (HCC) Part II: Validating and Using the HCC for Hive Inspections”, Bee Culture, August 2018 Issue. Pages 27-31.
- Cazier, Joseph A., Rogers, R., Hassler, E. E. and Wilkes, James T. (2018) “The Healthy Colony Checklist (HCC) Part I: A Framework for Aggregating Hive Inspection Data”, Bee Culture, July 2018 Issue. Pages 29-32.
- Cazier, Joseph A., Wilkes, James T. and Hassler, Ed E. (2018) “Nudging Beekeepers Into the Future With the Technology Acceptance Model”, Bee Culture, June 2018 Issue. Pages 35-40.
- Cazier, Joseph A. (2018) “Electronic Records: A Path to Better Beekeeping”, Bee Culture, May 2018 Issue. Pages 37-40.
- Cazier, Joseph A. (2018) “Peering into the Future: The Path to a Genius Hive”, Bee Culture, April 2018 Issue. Pages 44-46.

Title: Professor Emeritus
Department: Department of Computer Information Systems
Email address: Email me