Wei Xie graduated with a Ph.D. in Information Systems (IS) from the Bryan School of Business and Economics at the University of North Carolina Greensboro. She finished her undergraduate in China and received her MBA from the University of Wisconsin at Whitewater.
Wei's research domain is theory-guided information systems security. Her research interests cover organizational and societal issues of Information Systems, decision-making, digital innovation, behavioral finance, healthcare intervention, etc. She is trained in quantitative psychometrics and qualitative research methodologies. She is also keen to extend to text analytics and machine learning algorithmic analysis. Wei is a member of the Association of Information Systems (AIS) SIGSEC, which focuses on information systems security, cybersecurity, digital forensics, assurance, compliance, and privacy issues.
Wei had worked as a small business owner for many years. Besides her entrepreneurial experience, Wei worked as a Pharmacy Market Analyst after earning her MBA.
Wei advocates for education, believes that learning is a lifelong process, and wants her students to remain enthusiastic and engaging in learning. Wei's teaching philosophy: teaching and learning involve a reciprocal and mutually beneficial relationship between teachers and students. In education, she incorporates constructivist goals: "problem-solving, higher-level thinking, and the active and reflective use of knowledge" (Driscoll, 2005, p.393).
Peer-Reviewed Academic Journal Articles
- Xie, W., Mehta, N., & Palvia, P. (2020). Value co-creation dimensions and challenges in EHR systems. Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research, 1-28.
- Xie, W., Chen, C., & Sithipolvanichgul, J. (2022). Understanding e-commerce customer behaviors to use drone delivery services: A privacy calculus view. Cogent Business & Management, 9(1), 2102791.
- Chen, C., Xie, W., Kaleta, J., (2023), E-Commerce Drone Delivery Acceptance: A Study of Gen Z's Switching Intention. Journal of Information Systems Applied Research, 16.
- Xie, W., (2023), How Moral Intensity Affects Information Disorder Behavior On Social Media. Journal of Information System Security, 18(2), 125-140.
Most Current Refereed Conference Proceedings
- Xie, W., Iyer, L., (2022), Agile Software Development Vulnerabilities and Challenges: An Empirical Study. AIS Electronic Library, In Proceedings of the Twenty-eighth Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). Minneapolis, MN, USA.
- Kaleta, J., Xie, W., Chen, C., (2022), Understanding Gen Z's Switching Intention to E-Commerce Drone Delivery: An Updated Diffusion of Innovation. In Proceedings of Proceedings of the ISCAP Conferences 2022. Clearwater Beach, FL, USA.
- Xie, W., Iyer, L., (2023), Phishing Susceptibility – a Cognitive Dissonance Persuasion View. AIS Electronic Library, In Proceedings of the Twenty-ninth Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). Panama City, Panama.
- Dean's Club Research Grant, Walker College of Business, Appalachian State University, 2021-2022. Amount $1000.
- Dean's Club Research Grant, Walker College of Business, Appalachian State University, 2022-2023. Amount $1000.
- The Graduate Research Assistant Mentoring Program (GRAM), Appalachian State University, 2022 – 2024. Amount $28000
- Beta Gamma Sigma Society
- America Information Systems

Title: Assistant Professor
Department: Computer Information Systems
Email address: Email me
Phone: (828) 262-8898
Fax: (828) 262-6190