- Ph.D., Claremont Graduate University
- M.B.A, American Graduate School of International Management
- M.S., Fairleigh Dickinson University
Charlie C. Chen received his Ph.D. degree in Management Information Systems from Claremont Graduate University. Dr. Chen is a professor in the Department of Computer Information Systems at Appalachian State University. His current research interests are business analytics, project management and supply chain management. He is a Project Management Professional (PMP) certified by the Project Management Institute since 2006. He has authored 4 books, more than 100 referred articles and proceedings, presented at many professional conferences and venues. Dr. Chen has published in journals such as International Journal of Project Management, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Behaviour and Information Technology, Communications of Association for Information Systems, and Journal of Global Information Technology Management. Dr. Chen dedicates himself to be a transnational scholar and is a trip leader for study abroad programs in China, Japan, Spain, Taiwan and Thailand. He was a visiting faculty at Zhejiang University in China, Thammasat University in Thailand, and Gakushuin Women's College in Japan.
1. Chen, C.C., Leon, S., and Kaewkitipong, L. (2024). Consumers’ intention to adopt last-mile drone delivery services: A comparison between US and Thai consumers. Thailand and the World Economy (TWE), 42(2), 1-19.
2. Leon, S., Chen, C.C., and Ratcliffe, A. (2024). Consumers’ Perceptions of the Environmental and Public Health Benefits of Last Mile Drone Delivery. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 1-25.
3. Duong, Bao Q., Charlie Chen, and Craig Van Slyke. (2023). Continuance Intention Toward Second-generation Mobile Instant Messaging App of LINE in Taiwan. Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems 33(4), 899-933.
4. Kaewkitipoing, L., Chen, C.C., and Leon, S. (2023). The roles of personal innovation and task technology fit in mobile payment retention. International Academy of Global Business and Trade, 19(2), 27-43.
5. Nakayama, M., and Chen, C.C. (2023). Digital Distraction, Non-Digital Distraction, and Psychological Bearing of Remote Workers. Interacting with Computers, 1-12.
6. Kaleta, J.P., and Xie, W., Chen, C.C. (2023). E-Commerce drone delivery acceptance: A study of Gen Z's switching intention. Journal of Information Systems Applied Research, 16.
7. Hung, S. Jacob, T., Chen, K., Chen, C., and Yeh, T. (2023). Tacit knowledge sharing in information systems development projects: Social interdependence and regulatory focus perspectives. Information, Technology, and People, 37(4), 1449-1477.
8. Chen, C., Han, J. A., & Ractham, P. (2022). Cultural influence on using mobile instant messaging applications to develop and maintain friendships. Cogent Social Sciences, 8(1), 2141428.
9. Ractham, P., Land, J., Chen, C., & Kaewkitipong, L. (2022). Motivating factors for tourists to adopt and recommend vaccine tourism. Cogent Social Sciences, 8(1), 2154034.
10. Kaewkitipong, L., Chen, C.C., Han, J., and Ractham, P. (2022). Human–Computer Interaction (HCI) and Trust Factors for the Continuance Intention of Mobile Payment Services. Sustainability, 14(2), 1-15.
11. Nakayama, M., and Chen, C.C. Digital distraction, non-digital distraction, and psychological bearing of remote workers, Interacting with Computers, 35(6), 789-800.
12. Chen, C., Lou, S., & Kaewkitipong, L. (2022). Online social anxiety and mobile instant messaging adoption and continuance usage intention: How does it relate to social, technical, and mobility factors? Cogent Business & Management, 9(1), 2133632.
13. Xie, W., Chen, C., & Sithipolvanichgul, J. (2022). Understanding e-commerce customer behaviors to use drone delivery services: A privacy calculus view. Cogent Business & Management, 9(1), 2102791.
14. Chen, C., Ractham, P., & Kwak, M. (2022). Achieving Entrepreneurial Success for Student Ventures under Uncertainty. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 1-13.
15. Nakayama, M., & Chen, C. C. (2022). Digital Distractions and Remote Work: A Balancing Act at Home. Information Resources Management Journal (IRMJ), 35(1), 1-17.
16. Chen, C., Leon, S., & Ractham, P. (2022). Will customers adopt last-mile drone delivery services? An analysis of drone delivery in the emerging market economy. Cogent Business & Management, 9(1), 2074340.
17. Nakayama, M., Chen, C. C., & Au, Y. (2022). Digital and Non-Digital Distractions for IT Professionals’ Remote Work. Journal of the Midwest Association for Information Systems (JMWAIS), 2022(2), 3.
18. Chen, C., Choi, H. S., & Ractham, P. (2022). Data, attitudinal and organizational determinants of big data analytics systems use. Cogent Business & Management, 9(1), 2043535.

Title: Professor, Dean’s Club Professor
Department: Department of Computer Information Systems
Email address: Email me
Phone: (828) 262-6504
Fax: (828) 262-6190